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作者:周平艳1  周仁来1 2 3  惠颖1  范文勇4  孙本良5  肖洁5 
单位:1. 应用实验心理北京市重点实验室(北京师范大学心理学院)  北京 100875 
 认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室(北京师范大学)  北京 100875 
 脑与学习协同创新中心  北京 100875 
 北京市新安劳教所  北京 102609 
 北京市天堂河戒毒康复所  北京 102609 
关键词:海洛因 成瘾 戒断时间 药物相关刺激 晚期慢正成分 


Objective: Previous studies have shown that drug addiction is usually accompanied by altered brain function, which was considered related to the biased processing on drug-related stimuli. However, it is unclear whether the biased processing and its related brian dysfunction can be reversed by abstinence. The present study aimed to explore the characteristics of the neural activities while drug-related stimuli are presented to drug-abstainers during different abstinence stages. Methods: Event-related potential(ERP) was recorded with 11 males in control group, 14 males in short-term drug abstinent group, 14 males in middle-term abstinent group, 15 males in long-term drug-abstinent group. Results: The present data indicated that there were significant differences between the amplitudes of slow positive waveform(SPW) elicited by neutral and drug-related pictures in long-term abstinent group. However, there were no significant differences between the amplitudes of SPW elicited by these two types of pictures in control group, short-term and middle-term abstinent groups. Conclusion: Based on the above results, we concluded that the people with heroin addiction still showed the biased attention to the drug-related stimuli, but it might be modulated by other factors such as drug availabilities.


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