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作者:王芙蓉  陈林 
单位:国防科学技术大学人文与社会科学学院 长沙 410074 
关键词:积极心理学 美国陆军 军人综合健康计划 心理韧性 


The Comprehensive Soldier Fitness(CSF) for the U.S. Army is a new application in positive psychology. Sol-diers under stress always took negative coping strategies such as suicide, severe alcohol drinking, drug abuse, concealingand unreported, which went against for maintaining mental health and military morale. The CSF turned traditional repairstyle into prevention style through promoting soldiers' resilience to decrease mental disease. Assessment,Individualizedtraining and trained master resilience trainers three parts were included. CSF had certain enlightenment values for the men-tal health service for our army.


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