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作者:翁晶  张田  傅宏 
单位:南京师范大学心理学院 南京 210024 
关键词:宽恕 宽恕干预 生理疾病 


From 1970s, forgiveness has been applied in the field of psychotherapy, and the positive effect of forgivenessintervention for mental disorder has been widely recognized both in theory and practice. Forgiveness correlates closely withsome psychological and physiological variables which play important roles in many physiological diseases. Therefore, be-sides its availability in the mental disorders, forgiveness intervention has also been gradually applied to auxiliary treatmentof physical diseases. In the process of disease treatment, forgiveness intervention contributes to displacing the negative psy-chological and physical reactions with positive reactions so as to achieve the therapeutic purpose. Based on the review ofprevious research, we provided some implications for future studies in this field.


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