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作者:臧刚顺1  宋之杰2  赵延庆1 
单位:1 燕山大学学生工作处 燕山大学文法学院 秦皇岛 066004 
 燕山大学经济管理学院 秦皇岛 066004 
关键词:创伤 创伤后应激障碍 认知行为疗法 团体认知行为疗法 


Posttraumatic stress disorder is a serious mental disorder following a traumatic event. Cognitive behavioraltherapy have been proved efficient on this mental disorder, in which, the group cognitive behavioral therapy(GCBT) hasunique advantages, and has become an important research direction of PTSD treatment. Review of recent randomized con-trolled empirical studies has demonstrated that the GCBT can effectively treat adult PTSD patients and children who suf-fered from sexual abuse, wars, natural disasters, accidents and other traumas, as well as certain other psychiatric disorderscomorbided with PTSD. Nevertheless, in future researches, it needs to employ more large-sample randomized controlled ex-periments to compare the relative efficacy and cost-benefit differences between the GCBT and the individual CBT, and todetermine the key active ingredients and working mechanism of the GCBT.


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