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作者:李永鑫  庞云飞 
单位:河南大学心理与行为研究所 开封 475004 
关键词:顾客攻击行为 情绪耗竭 离职意向 


Objective: To explore the relationship between customer aggression behaviors, emotional exhaustion andturnover intention. Methods: Customer Aggression Behaviors Questionnaire, Emotional Exhaustion Questionnaire andTurnover Intention Scale were administered to 452 subjects. Results: ①The correlations among obstructionism, covert ag-gression, expressions of hostility and emotional exhaustion were significant(P<0.05), and the correlation among obstruction-ism, expressions of hostility and turnover intention were significant(P<0.05). ②Obstructionism and expressions of hostilityshowed a significant predictive effects on the emotional exhaustion(P<0.01), and covert aggression and expressions of hos-tility on turnover intention(P<0.01). ③Emotional exhaustion played a complete mediating role between expressions of hos-tility and turnover intention. Conclusion: Customer aggression behaviors may lead to individuals' emotional exhaustion,which may further causes turnover intention.


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