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作者:李小玲1  唐海波1  明庆森1  张花2 
单位:1 中南大学湘雅二医院医学心理学研究所 长沙 410011 
 中南大学附属中学 长沙 410083 
关键词:大学生 自我和谐 孤独感 应对方式 中介作用 


Objective: To explore the relationship between loneliness and college students self harmonious, in which themediating effects of the coping style was also examined. Methods: Using Self-harmony Scale, UCLA Loneliness Scale andCoping Style Questionnaire, 581 college students were randomly selected and screened in the study. Results: ①Correla-tion analysis showed that the problem solving and helping of coping styles were significantly and negatively correlated withself-harmony and loneliness(r=-0.269 to-0.355, P<0.01), while other coping styles were significantly and positively corre-lated with self-harmony and loneliness(r=0.187 to 0.387, P<0.01); Meanwhile, Loneliness was positively correlated withself-harmony(r=0.617, P<0.01); ②Regression analysis showed that the mature and immature coping styles played a partialintermediary role between the loneliness and self-harmony. Conclusion: Our findings suggested that, loneliness may exertits influence on the self-harmony partially through the mediating role of the coping style.


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