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作者:刘亚鹏1  汪志鹏1 2  张明浩1 3  陈平1  张光珍1  梁宗保1  邓慧华1  陆祖宏1 2 
单位:1 东南大学学习科学研究中心 南京 210096 
 东南大学生物医学工程学院 南京 210096 
 鲁东大学心理学院 烟台 264000 
关键词:MAOA-uVNTR多态性 同伴攻击 违抗 抑郁/焦虑 抑制/退缩 


Objective: This study aimed to investigate the gender differences of dynamic effect of MAOA-uVNTR poly-morphism on behavioral problems in 202 young children. Methods: The cheek cells of children were collected when theyaged 6 months, and their behavioral problems were reported by their mothers at their 24-and 36-month age. The MAOAuVNTR polymorphism was genotyped by a PCR technique.Results: Boys with 3R genotypes showed significantly higherdefense scores than boys with 4R genotypes at their 24-month age, but did marginally and significantly higher at their 36-month age. Girls with 3/3 and 3/4 genotypes showed significantly higher peer aggression than girls with 4/4 genotypes attheir 24-month age, but did significantly lower inhibition/social withdrawal at their 36-month age. Conclusion: The effectof MAOA-uVNTR polymorphism on boys' defense and girls' peer aggression becomes weaker with age, and on girls' inhi-bition/social withdrawal becomes stronger with age.


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