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作者:陈彦垒1 2  叶宝娟1 3  胡竹菁1 
单位:1. 江西师范大学心理学院  江西南昌 330027 
 聊城大学教科院  山东聊城 252059 
 华南师范大学心理应用研究中心  广东广州 510631 
关键词:学业复原力 情绪智力 应对方式 有调节的中介效应 

目的: 探讨情绪智力、学业复原力、应对方式和学业成绩的关系。方法: 取样1902名青少年并进行EIS情绪智力量表、特质应对方式问卷、学业复原力量表和学业成绩问卷调查。结果: 情绪智力、积极应对方式对学业成绩和学业复原力具有正向预测作用,消极应对方式对学业成绩和学业复原力具有负向预测作用。学业复原力在应对方式和学业成绩之间起完全中介作用,并受到情绪智力的调节,调节作用体现在高情绪智力能够更加显著的提升高学业复原力学生的学业成绩。结论: 学业复原力与学业成绩之间是有调节的中介效应。

Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship among adolescent's academic performance, acadamic resilience and emotional intelligence (EI). Methods: A survey with a cluster sample of 1902 adolescents was conducted to examine the mediating and moderating role of EI, acadamic resilience and coping styles on academic achievement. Results: EI and coping styles could positively predict acadamic performance. Complete mediation effect of academic resilience existed in the relationship of coping styles and academic performance. EI moderated the relationship between academic resilience and academic performance, the positive effect of academic resilience was much stronger in higher EI adolescents. Conclusion: The affect of acadamic resilience on adolescent's academic performance moderated mediating effect.


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