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作者:Marcus A.Rodriguez1 2  高隽1 2  钱铭怡1  肖征3 
单位:1. 北京大学心理学系  北京 100871 
 复旦大学  上海 200433 
 北京金日恒达国际石油技术发展有限公司  北京 100029 
关键词:思维压抑 想法行为混淆 强迫思维 责任 焦虑 

目的: 考察想法行为混淆(Thought Action Fusion,TAF)和思维压抑在强迫观念形成中的交互作用。方法: 采用方便取样在115名大学生中考察实验诱发的TAF闯入是否会导致压抑后的负性情绪和个人责任信念的增高,以及思维压抑的作用是否会随靶想法对个人重要意义的变化而有所改变。结果: ①句子填空范式引发了显著高于基线水平的焦虑和内疚情绪;但和预期的结果不同的是,在完成5分钟的思维压抑任务后,被试的负性情绪有所下降。②思维压抑被发现是一种无法达到预期目标的应对认知策略,会增加对个人有重要意义的闯入性想法的负性责任信念。结论: 本研究支持了强迫观念的认知模型在中国大学生人群中的跨文化的有效性。

Objective: To examine the interactive effect of thought action fusion and thought suppression in the formation of obsessions. Methods: To investigate, among a convenience sample of 115 college students, whether experimentally induced TAF intrusions would lead to an escalation of negative affect and beliefs of personal responsibility, and to examine whether the effects of thought suppression would vary as a function of the personal significance of the target thought. Results:The sentence paradigm(Rachman et al., 1996) elicited a significant increase in anxiety and guilt relative to baseline levels; however, contrary to expectations, participants' negative affect decreased following a 5 minute suppression task.Results revealed that suppression of personally significant target thoughts led to an increase in attributions of responsibility,thus revealing a paradoxical effect of thought suppression. Conclusion: The present research provides support for the cross-cultural validity of the cognitive model of obsessions among a Chinese college student sample.


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