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作者:胡明  胡国清  胡婧璇  孙振球 
单位:中南大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系  湖南长沙 410078 
关键词:中学生 心理问题 信度 效度 

目的: 编制适合我国中学生的常见心理问题筛查量表,并进行信度和效度考评。方法: 采取议题小组和核心工作组交互工作的方式编制量表,条目池经专家认可,对5273名中学生进行调查后,采用t检验法、变异系数法、因子分析法、反应度分析法等4种方法联合进行条目筛选,由保留条目组成量表测试版,并对之进行信度与效度检验。结果: 编制了含43个条目的中学生常见心理问题筛查量表。总分的重测相关系数为0.841,各个分量表得分的重测相关系数介于0.725-0.794之间。量表总分的Cronbach'sα系数为0.909,各个分量表得分的Cronbach'sα系数介于0.735-0.811之间。量表结构与理论构想相符。本表与有关效标的相关系数分别为0.784(P<0.01)、0.764(P<0.01)。结论: 中学生常见心理问题筛查量表是可信、有效的测评工具,有应用价值。

Objective: To develop and validate a psychological problems screening scale for Chinese middle -school students. Methods: Based on the health definition and adolescent development theory, we adhered to guidelines of instrument development to develop items, validated the scale, using data from 5273 students. Results: A 43-item scale for middle-school students (MSS-PPSS) was developed, including anxiety, depression, learning problem and sociality problem subscales. The test-retest correlation coefficient and Cronbach's a coefficient of each subscale were 0.725 - 0.794, 0.735- 0.811. Factors were stratified as expected from the conceptual model. The correlations of the scale with the self-rating depression scale, self-rating anxiety scale were 0.787, 0.764. The scale could distinguish different mental status students.Conclusion: The scale is a convenient, stable, reliable measurement instrument.


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