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作者:陈悦1  甘怡群1  黄淑慧1  汤沛1  蒂丝2  邱熙3  杨丹4 
单位:1. 北京大学心理学系  北京 100871 
 成都大学心理健康教育与研究中心  四川成都 610106 
 绵阳市教育科学研究所  四川绵阳 621000 
关键词:创伤后成长量表 汶川地震 灾民 信度 效度 

目的: 旨在5.12汶川地震灾民群体中修订创伤后成长量表,探索其因子结构,进行信效度分析。方法: 研究1采用方便取样,在四川省国家级一般灾区的某个灾后安置点中,抽取了来自4个板房区的两组样本。样本群体包括工人、农民、商人和无业人员等。用创伤后成长量表施测。样本1(n=195)进行探索性因素分析,样本2(n=294)进行验证性因素分析。研究2在四川多所中学的学生中对所得创伤后成长量表进行效标效度检验(n=339)。结果: 3因素(个人改变、人际改变和具体改变)模型在地震灾民群体中的拟合性(χ2=312.74,df=101,χ2/df=3.089,RMSEA=0.084,NN-FI=0.93,CFI=0.94,GFI=0.88,AGFI=0.84)优于5因素模型(χ2=667.8,df=178,χ2/df=3.752,RMSEA=0.097,NNFI=0.92,CFI=0.94,GFI=0.82,AGFI=0.77)。修订版创伤后成长量表的信度指标良好(α=0.87)。量表与抑郁、生活满意度指数、正性情绪有中等程度的显著相关,具有良好的效标效度。结论: 创伤后成长量表在创伤相关群体中使用具有较好的信效度。

Objective: The present study aimed to revise Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) in Chinese earthquake survivors in Sichuan, to explore the structure of PTGI and to test its reliability and validity. Methods: We adopted convenient sampling method to collect two samples in four temporary shelters in a severe disaster area, 18 months after the 5.12earthquake in study 1. The two samples contained manufactory staff, farmers, business persons, and the unemployed. Sample 1(n=195) was used for Exploratory Factor Analysis(EFA), whereas Sample 2(n=294) was used for Confirmatory Factor Analysis(CFA). Study 2 tested the validity of revised PIGI in high school students in Sichuan(n=339). Results: CFA indicated that a 3-factor solution (personal change, relationship development, and spiritual change fit the data better than the 5-factor model. The reliability and validity indexes were acceptable (α=0.87). PTGI was significantly correlated with the scores of positive affect, index of well being and depression as criterions. The construct and criterion validity of PTGI was acceptable. Conclusion: The Chinese version of Posttraumatic Growth Inventory is reliable and valid to conduct traumarelated research.


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