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作者:高鑫1  周仁来1 2 3  李思瑶3 
单位:1. 儿童发展和学习科学教育部重点实验室[东南大学学习科学研究中心]  江苏南京 210096 
 认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室[北京师范大学]  北京 100875 
 应用实验心理北京市重点实验室[北京师范大学心理学院]  北京 100875 
关键词:特质焦虑 负启动 选择性注意 抑制 

目的: 探究高特质焦虑情绪大学生的选择性注意抑制功能。方法: 通过特质焦虑问卷筛选出高、低特质焦虑情绪大学生各20名,采用改进的情绪负启动范式,以语义判断的情绪负启动任务,考察高特质焦虑情绪大学生的注意抑制能力。结果: 低特质焦虑情绪组在负启动条件下,对威胁和中性词汇的反应时都显著大于控制条件下;高特质焦虑情绪组在负启动条件下,对威胁词汇的反应时显著小于控制条件下,中性词汇的反应时与控制条件之间差异不显著。对中性词汇,高、低特质焦虑情绪组的负启动量差异不显著;对威胁词汇,高特质焦情绪组负启动量显著小于低特质焦虑情绪组。结论: 高特质焦虑情绪大学生对威胁刺激表现出负启动效应减弱,存在特定威胁信息的注意抑制困难。

Objective: To explore the inhibition function in selective attention of high trait anxiety undergraduates.Methods: 40 undergraduates selected by State -Trait Anxiety Inventory were divided into high and low trait anxiety groups, and participated in the present experiment voluntarily. Different attentional inhibition ability of trait anxiety individuals were investigated by the modified negative affective priming paradigm and threat and neutral words as stimulus material. Results: Under the condition of negative priming, reaction times(RT) of low-trait anxiety individuals were significantly slower than under the control condition' for threatening and neutral targets; for high-trait individuals, RT under the condition of negative priming were significantly faster than under the control condition, only for threatening targets. For threat words, negative priming values of high trait-anxiety individuals were negative and significantly less than low traitanxiety individuals; for neutral words there were no significant differences between high and low trait -anxiety groups.Conclusion: High trait anxiety undergraduates had deficits in effective inhibition special and threat distracting information.


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