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作者:赵曼  余国龙  杨天伦 
单位:中南大学湘雅医院心内科 湖南 长沙 410008 
关键词:心内科门诊 综合医院 焦虑 抑郁 发生率 


Objective: To investigate the incidence rate and main influencing factors of anxiety and depression in theoutpatients in the cardiovascular department of one big (3A) general hospital. Methods: 1597 outpatients in the out-pa-tients department of Cardiology during August to December 2010 were enrolled in this study. All subjects were question-aired by the Self-Rating Anxiety Scale(SAS), Self-Rating Depression Scale(SDS) and the general social and demographicalmaterials list. Results: The incidence rate of psychological disorders including anxiety and depression in the subjects was42.5%. The incidence rate of only anxiety was 8.7%, only depression 6.5% and the combination of anxiety and depression27.3%. Among the subjects, the incidence of anxiety and depression in the outpatients without cardiovascular disease was35.6%, and significantly lower than those with cardiovascular disease (45.7%, P<0.05). The incidences of anxiety and depression in the outpatients with hypertension, coronary heart disease, or combination of hypertension and coronary heartdisease and or arrythmias were 39.7%, 43.2%, 53.7%, and 40% respectively. Multiple logistic analyses showed that gen-der, type A personality, number of visiting clinics, number of medication kinds, suffering of cardiovascular disease, workstress and family income were the main influential factors for the incidence of the psychological disorders. Conclusion:The incidence rate of anxiety and depression in the outpatients in the cardiovascular department of the big (3A) generalhospital was high up to 42.5%. The incidence of anxiety and depression of patients with cardiovascular disease was significantly higher than those without cardiovascular disease.


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