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作者:Marcus A.Rodriguez1 2  贾珂1  钱铭怡1 
单位:1 北京大学心理学系 北京 100871 
 复旦大学 上海 200433 
关键词:思维压抑 效度 焦虑障碍 强迫症 

目的:在大学生群体中对思维压抑量表(White Bear Suppression Inventory,WBSI)进行修订并考察其信效度。方法:采用方便取样方法,对样本一的125名大学生施测WBSI及贝克抑郁问卷,以检验该量表的效度,并随机选取其中33名学生,在初测4周后进行了重测;对样本二的383名大学生施测WBSI、宾州忧虑问卷、事件影响量表-修订版及想法行为混淆量表。对样本三的334名大学生施测WBSI、帕多瓦量表、特质焦虑问卷及多元个人传统性量表-宿命迷信分量表。结果:对样本一的探索性因素分析获得WBSI的3个因素(闯入性思维、思维压抑和转移注意),3个因素可解释总变异的52.4%;对样本二和样本三的验证性因素分析显示,三因素模型拟合最好(χ2/df=3.45,CFI=0.91,TLI=0.89,RMSEA=0.07,SRMR=0.06)。WBSI总分的内部一致性系数为0.87,重测信度为0.59;3个因素的内部一致性系数分别为0.83、0.66和0.70。女性WBSI得分均显著高于男性。效标效度分析表明WBSI与抑郁(r=0.29)、特质焦虑(r=0.42)、创伤后应激障碍症状(r=0.42)、强迫症状(r=0.30)及广泛性焦虑症状(r=0.44)呈显著正相关。本研究还探索了迷信在OCD症状的发展维持中的作用,结果支持迷信导致了思维压抑从而导致了OCD症状(χ2/df=5.04,CFI=0.88,TLI=0.82,RMSEA=0.11,SRMR=0.08)。结论:思维压抑量表的中文修订版具有良好的信效度。

Objective: To test the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of White Bear Suppression Inventory(WBSI) among a Chinese student sample. Methods: A convenience sample of 125 college students completed the WBSIand Beck Depression Inventory; a randomly selected subsample of 33 students participated in the retest in 4 weeks. A second sample of 383 college students completed the WBSI, Penn State Worry Questionnaire, Impact of Event Scale-Revised,and Thought-Action Fusion Scale. A third sample of 334 college students completed the WBSI, State-Trait Anxiety In-ventory, Padua Inventory, and a measure of Chinese superstition. Results: EFA results revealed 3 factors (intrusivethoughts, thought suppression and self-distraction), which accounted for 52.4% of the total variance. CFA results providedsupport for a 3-factor model ( χ2/df=3.45, CFI=0.91, TLI=0.89, RMSEA=0.07, SRMR=0.06). Internal consistency and test-retest coefficients for the WBSI-total were 0.87 and 0.59 respectively. WBSI-total scores were significantly higher for fe-male participants. Criterion-related validity results revealed positive significant correlations between WBSI and depression(r=0.29), trait-anxiety (r=0.42), PTSD symptomology (r=0.42), OCD (0.30), and GAD (r=0.44). SEM results also providedsupport for a model wherein thought suppression mediates the relationship between superstition and obsessive-compulsivesymptoms. Conclusion: The Chinese version of the WBSI is found to have good reliability and validity.


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