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作者:朱雪玲1  袁福来2  彭仕芳2 
单位:1. 国防科学技术大学人文与社会科学学院军事心理学研究室  长沙 410074 
 中南大学湘雅医院健康管理中心  长沙 410008 


Objective:To investigate the brain areas activated by subliminal affective priming effect by emotional faces and to explore the neural mechanisms of unconscious emotional faces processing.Methods:Literatures in PubMed, Med line, Ovid, Sciencedirect were reviewed according to the following requirements: ①Exploring subliminal affective priming effect by emotional faces applying fMRI techniques; ②Using Talairach or MNI coordinates to report activated brain areas.Calculated ALE value of the included articles through Ginger ALE 2.0 software, and created the ALE map.Results:Uncon scious emotional faces robustly activated amygdala, hippocampus and fusiform gyrus.Conclusion:The findings suggest that the specific arousal systems in the brain can be activated without consciousness, and that amygdala, hippocampus and fusiform gyrus play an important role in unconscious emotional processing.


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