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作者:琚晓燕1  谢庆红2  曹洪健2  方晓义2  刘宣文3 
单位:1. 中国青年政治学院社会工作学院  北京 100089 
 北京师范大学发展心理研究所  北京 100875 
 浙江传媒学院  杭州 310018 


Objective: To explore the difference of interaction behaviors in couples and how these differences influence their martial relations. Methods: Using the problem-solving and social support paradigm, 41 couples have been videoed.IFIRS was used to code their behavior. Results: ①Wives were more negative than husbands in both problem solving and social support context, and less positive only in problem solving context. ②Wives were less satisfied with their marriage in the group which husbands displayed more negative behaviors, compared to the group in which wives displayed more negative behaviors than husbands in problem solving context; ③Husbands were more satisfied in the group which wives displayed more positive behaviors, compared to the group in which husbands displayed more positive behaviors than wives.Conclusion: Husbands' negative behavior were more destructive to wives' martial satisfaction comparing to wives' negativity in problem solving context. Furthermore, wives' positivity in social support context have more positive effect on husbands' martial satisfaction comparing to husbands' positivity. Husbands' positivity in problem solving context were more predictive to relationship quality than that in social support context.


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