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作者:张珊明1 2  罗伏生2  钟毅平1  陈芸1 
单位:1. 湖南师范大学心理系  长沙 410081 
 中南林业科技大学心理健康教育研究中心  长沙 410004 


Objective: To explore the stereotype of power in Chinese culture and the influence of self-involvement on the stereotype of power. Methods: 128 adult participants were studied in experiments which explored participants' stereotype of power on the objects of high-power and low-power, and then the influence of self-involvement on the stereotype of power was examined. Results: There were significant judgment differences of stereotype traits between the high-power people and the low-power people, in which the competence(not talent) score of high-power people was higher than the low-power people, but the warmth score of high-power people was lower than low-power people. Self-involvement affected the participants' judgment of stereotype traits. Conclusion: The stereotype of power exists in Chinese adults, that is a trend of "object of high power: high competence, low warmth, object of low power: low competence, high warmth"; Furthermore the judgment of stereotype traits is influenced by self-involvement of perceiver.


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