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作者:王一赫1  江虹1  李颖2  潘芳1  刘德祥1 
单位:1. 山东大学医学院  济南 250012 
 中国人民公安大学  北京 100038 


Objective: To explore the dynamic changes of hippocampal neurons morphology, and T lymphocyte subsets exposed to different duration of mild stress. Methods: Using mild stress to build different duration of stress animal model,morphological changes of hippocampal neurons, the T lymphocyte subsets in blood were measured, while serum cortisol level and the behaviors in open field test were measured as the stress level. Results: After exposed to mild stress, cell swell and hypochromatic, cell shrunk and intercellular spaces appeared on the 7th day, neurons degeneration was observed on the 14th day, and neuronal necrosis on the 21th day in hippocampus. The numbers of CD3+, CD4+T lymphocyte subsets in the 7, 14, 21 days stressed groups were lower than control group, and 14 days stressed group had the least numbers of CD3+, CD4+T lymphocyte subsets among three stressed groups. CD4/CD8+ ratio was remarkably lower in 7 days and14 days stressed groups than control group, and the 14 days stressed group had the lowest level of CD4/CD8+ ratio. The total movements of open field test in 7, 14 and 21 days stressed group were higher than those in control group. The levels of serum cortisol were higher in 7 and 14 days stressed groups and dropped in 21 days stressed group. Conclusion: 7days mild stress induces neurons damage in hippocampus. Meanwhile, the mild stress decreases the function of T lymphocyte subsets and induces imbalance of cellular immunity function, the obvious changes of which appear on the 14th stressed day. Blood T lymphocyte subsets could be used as biomarkers of stress.


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