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作者:罗秋铃1  魏晓波1 2  陆夏平1 3  曲琛1 
单位:1. 华南师范大学心理应用研究中心  广州 510631 
 西藏大学师范学院  拉萨 850000 
 北京师范大学认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室  北京 100875 


Pathological gambling is a kind of decision-making deficits. Decision-making deficits, as a significant characteristic of pathological gambling, have great effect on the development of addictive gambling. Pathological gamblers are prone to make risky, impulsive and overconfident decisions, which are always biased by psychological factors such as sensitivity of rewards and punishments, personal control, feedback processing and personal characteristic. Physical index(e.g.blood presure and heart rate) and hormone reactivity(e.g. cortisol and dopamine) are different between pathological gamblers and normal decision makers. Moreover, pathological gamblers have been found to have abnormal prefrontal cortices activity during decision making. The review concluded with a discussion regarding the new developments in the research of neurobiological gambling. We expect that future studies will obtain further insight into the mechanisms of decision-making deficits in pathological gamblers.


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