Objective: To preliminarily investigate the relationship of suicide behavior with childhood adversity and negative life event based on a stress sensitization model. Methods: There were two groups in this study, suicide group(n=64) and control group(n=91). All the participates completed the self-administered general information questionnaire, Adverse Childhood Experiences Questionnaire and Life Event Scale. The scores of adverse childhood experiences(ACE) and negative life events(NLES) were dichotomized into low adversity(ACE=0-1) and high adversity(ACE≥2), and low NLE(NLES3.5) and high NLES(NLES≥3.5), respectively. Results: High adversity increased 3.04-fold of risk of high NLES(95%CI=1.57, 5.91). High adversity and high NLES increased the risk of suicide behavior separately(OR=6.39, 3.07, 13.31and OR=7.03, 95%CI=3.25, 15.22, respectively). Even low NLES raised the risk of suicide behavior in individuals with high adversity. Conclusion: The associations of childhood adversity and negative life events with suicide behavior accorde with the stress sensitization model.
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