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作者:曹思聪  缪绍疆  童俊 
单位:武汉市精神卫生中心  武汉市心理医院  武汉 430019 


Objective: To explore the characteristics of original family relationships of patients with eating disorders,and to provide references for further study on the interactions between family factors and the symptoms and family-based therapy. Methods: Individual open in-depth interviews were conducted in 23 patients with eating disorders. Informations about family relationships were collected, coded and thematically analyzed. Results: The most prominent themes in patient's father-daughter relationships included the poor communication, low involvement and emotional alienation; in mother-daughter relationships, poor communication, enmeshment and plenty of conflicts were the prominent features; there were severe conflicts in their parents' marital relationships; the symptoms mostly appeared in the context of negative family relationships.Conclusion: The original family relationships of patients with eating disorders exhibit many problems, especially the relationship alienation between father and daughter; eating disorders are closely associated with family relationships.


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