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作者:毛晋平1  谢颖2 
单位:1 湖南师范大学教育科学学院 长沙 410081 
 长沙市明德中学 长沙 410006 


Objective: To explores middle school teachers' characteristics of character merits and the relationship be tween subjective well-being and character merits. Methods: 227 teachers from Changsha middle schools completed ques tionnaire survey. Results: The results showed that among the 24 merits, the most prominent were gratitude, fairness, integrity, love and kindness. Middle school teacher' character merits were positively correlated with satisfaction with life; 11 kinds of character merits and positive emotions were significantly positively correlated; negative emotion was negatively correlated with curiosity and humor. Conclusion: It is the maximal that zest, hope, fairness, curiosity and appreciation of beauty predict the variation of subjective well-being.


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