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作者:刘新春1  朱晓坤1 2  邓晶晶1  李永玲3  杨丽1 
单位:1 天津大学心理研究所 天津 300072 
 天津职业大学学生处 天津 300410 
 天津农学院学生处心理健康教育中心 天津 300384 

目的:探讨完美主义在依恋与抑郁之间的中介效应。方法:采用成人亲密关系经历量表中文修订版、近乎完美量表修订版的中文修订版和Beck抑郁问卷对500名大学生集体施测,用SPSS12.0和Lisrel 8.70进行数据分析。结果:完美主义的消极维度部分中介了依恋焦虑和抑郁间的关系、完全中介了依恋回避和抑郁间的关系,完美主义的积极维度与依恋焦虑、依恋回避和抑郁都不相关。结论:依恋焦虑和依恋回避促进了完美主义消极维度的形成,进而加重个体的抑郁。

Objective: To explore the mediating effect of perfectionism between attachment and depression. Methods: Experiences in Close Relationships Inventory Chinese Revised (ECR-CR), Almost Perfect Scale Revised Chinese Revised (APS-R-CR), and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were administered to 500 undergraduate students, and SPSS 12.0 and Lisrel 8.70 were used to analyze the data. Results: The negative dimension of perfectionism partially mediated the relation between attachment anxiety and depression, while fully mediated the relation between attachment avoidance and depression. The positive dimension of perfectionism had no significant correlation with attachment anxiety, attachment avoidance, and depression. Conclusion: Both attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance facilitate the formation of the negative dimension of perfectionism, which in turn leads to depression.


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