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作者:金灿灿1  邹泓2 
单位:1 北京林业大学人文社会科学学院心理系 北京 100083 
 北京师范大学发展心理研究所 北京 100875 


Objective: To classify juvenile delinquents' social problem solving ability and explore its relationship with life events and problem behavior. Methods: Social Problem Solving Ability Scale, ASLEC, Problem behavior Scale were used to investigate 553 juvenile delinquents from Shanghai and Kunming by the method of Latent Profile Analysis. Results: ①Juvenile delinquents' social problem solving ability could be categorized into three groups: fine group, ordinary group, and weak group; ②In the weak group, ordinary group and fine group, the scores of social problem solving ability increased in turn observably and the scores of problem behavior decreased in turn observably. ③Social problem solving ability can moderate the relationship of life events and problem behavior. Conclusion: Prevention and intervention of juvenile delinquency can be started with improving their social problem soving ability, so as to improve their resistant ability against the influence of negative life events.


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