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作者:彭芸爽  张宝山  袁菲 
单位:陕西师范大学心理学院 西安 710062 


Concealable stigma is not easy to be found by others but can bring negative social effects. Different from visible stigma, concealable stigma can be hidden from others, and can have unique effects on individuals ' mind and health. Recently more and more researchers had focused on the unique behavioral and psychological effects of concealing stigma, including short-term effects like cognitive overload, negative emotional response and behavioral exhibition, and long-term effects on well-being and health. Moreover, researchers had also concentrated on the mechanisms of concealable stigma, for example, the strategic perception theory, the hidden -distress model, the cognitive -affective -behavioral model, the communication privacy management theory and the disclosure process model, etc. Based on the previous research, we also illustrated the significance and future direction of studies in this area.


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