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作者:张田  傅宏 
单位:南京师范大学心理学院 南京 210024 


Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship among amative forgiveness, a greeableness, amative satisfaction and empathy of college students. Methods: 556 college students who had an experience of being in love were investigated by some scales to explore the relationship mentioned above. Results: ①Chinese college students preferred rumination to revenging the person who had hurt him/her; ②The factors of personality, especially agree ableness, could significantly predict college students' amative forgiveness; ③The relationship among university students' amative forgiveness, agreeableness, amative satisfaction and empathy was mediated moderation. Conclusion: Agreeable ness can influent college students' amative forgiveness through empathy, and the relationship is moderated by amative sat isfaction.


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