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作者:张月娟  王进礼  周喻  张刚  李茹  段丽萨 
单位:武警后勤学院军事心理学教研室 天津 300162 


Objective: To revise Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) among Chinese military undergraduates, and to examine the factor structure of PTGI. Methods: PTGI was first translated into Chinese, and then was administrated to 706 military undergraduates who had experienced a significant negative life event during the past several years. Two subsam ples were split by odd and even: one(n=353) was examined with the Exploratory Factor Analysis(EFA), and the other(n= 353) was examined with Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Results: ① EFA produced four factors with eigenvalues greater than one, accounting for 56.37% of the common variance. The factors were labeled change of personal strength, appreciation of life, change of relation to others, new possibilities. ②CFA indicated the 4 factor model(χ2/df=3.054,NNFI= 0.88,CFI=0.90,GFI=0.89,IFI=0.90,RMSEA=0.076) was superior to the original 5 factor model of PTGI. ③The internal consistency of the 4 factor model of PTGI was α=0.902. Conclusion: The validity and reliability of the revised version of PTGI is acceptable, It is applicable to trauma-related research.


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