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单位:华东师范大学 上海 200241 


Objective: To compare IOR effect of ADHD and normal children in detecting and distinguishing tasks with multiple sequential cues of IOR paradigm, and to analyse the characters of ADHD' s selective visual attention.Methods:: This research adopted a 2(participant type: normal/ADHD children)×5(cue-target positional relationship: the target appears at the 0-4th cued position)×2(response type: detection/discrimination)mixed design. Results: ①The RT of ADHD was usually longer than that of normal children in the same condition, especially in distinguishing task; ②In the detecting task, facilitation was observed in the normal children group, when SOA was shorter than 300ms. If the SOA became longer than 300ms, IOR appeared; For the ADHD children, IOR could be observed when the SOA was longer than 600ms, but no facilitation appeared with the SOA shorter than 600ms; ③In the distinguishing task, the reaction speed of normal children was superior to ADHD children, with the change of SOA, IOR and facilitation both shown up, which couldn' t been observed in the ADHD children group. Conclusion: There is visual attention deficit of IOR in ADHD children.


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16 Janice JS, Alan K. Inhibition of return at multiple locationsand its impact on visual search. Visual Congnition, 2007,15(2): 238-256


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