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作者:刘宏艳1  胡治国2 3 
单位:1 浙江理工大学心理学系 杭州 310018 
 杭州师范大学认知与脑疾病研究中心 杭州 310015 
 浙江省认知障碍评估技术研究重点实验室 杭州 310015 


Objective: To directly compare the time course of the conceptual semantic and affective semantic process ing of words using the comparative approach. Methods: Fifty healthy college students participated in the experiment. A special type of words, named dual-meaning words, which had both conceptual meaning and affective meaning, were used. We adopted simultaneously the semantic priming and affective priming paradigm with a short (50 ms) and long (300 ms) SOA (stimulus onset asynchrony). The subjects were asked to perform a lexical decision task. Results: At the short SOA condition, there were both significant semantic and significant affective priming effects. But at the long SOA condition, on ly significant semantic priming effect was found. Conclusion: These findings suggest that conceptual semantic processing of words contains both automatic and controlled processes, but affective semantic processing is more an automatic one, in dicating different time courses of the conceptual and affective semantic processing of words.


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