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作者:叶艳1  杜广华1 3  范方1  李灵艳1  韩庆国1  陈世键1  李权超2 
单位:1 华南师范大学心理应用研究中心心理学院 广州 510631 
 广州军区疾病预防控制中心 广州 510507 
 现在广州军区 75222 部队工作 


Objective: To compare sleep quality and its influencing factors between young soldiers and college students. Methods: 556 young soldiers and 571 college students were sampled in clusters, and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Interpersonal Relationship Integrated Diagnosis Questionnaire, Resilience Scale, Social Support Rating Scale were admin istered. Results: The detectable rates of sleep problem in young soldiers and college students were 27.9% and 10.2% re spectively. Category and qualification(grade) interaction was significant in sleep quality and interpersonal disturbance. The main effect of category and qualifications (grade) was significant in resilience and social support. Interpersonal disturbance explained most of the variation in sleep quality of young soldiers. Resilience explained most of the variation in sleep qual ity of college students. Conclusion: Sleep problem of young soldiers was more serious than that of young college students. With the increase of qualification (grade), the sleep quality of young soldiers presented a significantly downward trend, but the sleep quality of college students maintained stable. In order to promote the physical and mental health of young sol diers and college students, it is necessary to take different measures to improve their sleep status.


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