Objective: To investigate the influential factors of extroversive behavior problems in eco-immigrant adoles cents by structural equation model. Methods: 1453 eco-immigrant youths were investigated by Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, Family Environment Scale, My Class Environment Questionnaire, and ana lyzed with structure equation model. Results: Compared the three Hypothesis models,the third model fitted well (for male and female), indexes of GFI, AGFI, NFI, NNFI, CFI were all above 0.9, χ2/df=2.493, RMSEA=0.045 for male and χ2/df= 2.502, RMSEA=0.046 for female. The total effect of family environment and class environment on extroversive behavior problems were -1.70 and -0.49 for male, and -2.47 and -0.35 for female. The total effect of personal factors on extrover sive behavior problems were 2.55 for male, and 5.51 for female. Conclusion: Personal factors have direct influence on ex troversive behavior problems of eco-immigrant school students. Family environment, class environment also have direct and indirect influence on extroversive behavior problems
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