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作者:陈珊1  韦臻3  何慧静3  何曼玉3  唐劲松2 4  陈晓岗2 4  万国斌3 
单位:1 温州医学院基因组医学研究院 温州 325000 
 中南大学湘雅二医院精神卫生研究所 长沙 410011 
 深圳市妇幼保健院 深圳 518000 


Objective: To study the clinical characteristics of autism spectrum disorders(ASD) and provide some recom mendations for the diagnosis. Methods: 152 outpatients(75 with autism spectrum disorders and 77 with mental retardations (MR) were examined with the childhood autism rating scale(CARS) and gesell developmental scales (GDDS). Compare the clinical characteristics between two groups. The autism spectrum disorders were divided into two subgroups according to chronological age: 0-36 months subgroup and 37-72 months subgroup, compare two scales scores between two group. Adaptive social abilities scores of GDDS and S-M scale were compared in ASD group using rank-sum test. Results: ①In GDDS test, the language level were moderate backward in both ASD and MR groups, and the others items of GDDS were in the mild backward. However, there are no significant differences in all items of GDDS between ASD group and MR group. ②In CARS test, the total score and all subscales scores are significant higher in ASD group compared with MR group. ③In the subgroup analysis of ASD, the score of visual response is higher in 0-36 months subgroup, while the scores of verbal communication, level and consistency of intellectual response were higher in 37-72 months subgroup. ④ Adaptive social abilities scores of GDDS and S-M scale which were compared in ASD group were significant different. Conclusion: Comparing to normal children, ASD have a significant lower level development, in which language level is in the moderate backward, and the others items were in the mild backward. ASD have a significant difference in verbal com munication, social interactions, and other behaviors relevant to autism spectrum disorders. The level of intelligence reac tion and consistency were imbalance among autism spectrum disorders.


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