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作者:朱坚1  杨雪龙2  陈海德3 
单位:1 浙江师范大学学生处 金华 321004 
 浙江师范大学心理健康教育指导中心 金华 321004 
 北京师范大学发展心理研究所 北京 100875 


Objective: To explore the mediate and moderate effects of impulsiveness and depression on the relationship between stress life events and college students' suicidal ideation. Methods: 2326 college students were tested with the following instruments: College Student Suicidal Risk Inventory—Suicidal Ideation Subscale (CSRI-SI), Chinese version of Barratt Impulsiveness Scale(CBIS), Symptom Check List 90—Depression Subscale (SCL90-D) and Adolescent Self-Rating Life Events Check List(ASLEC). Results: ①Stress life events positively correlated with college students' suicidal ideation significantly; ②Depression partly mediated the effect of stress life events on college students' suicidal ideation; ③Impulsiveness played the role of mediator and moderator in the relationship between stress life events and suicidal ideation. Conclusion: Stress life events, impulsiveness and depression play an important role in the coming out of suicidal ideation.


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