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单位:河南大学哲学与公共管理学院 开封 475001 


Objective: To develop a questionnaire that can measure the perception of organizational politics of Chinese civil servants. Methods: Based on item collection and prior study, 650 valid data were collected by questionnaire, and then item analyses and exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to develop the questionnaire. Results: EFA showed that the structure of perception of organizational politics was composed of three key dimensions: flattering boss, group interest, individual development opportunity, explaining the total variance 59.442% ; The results of CFA showed that the measurement model fit the data well. The Cronbach' s α coefficient of the total questionnaire was 0.868, and three dimensions were 0.857、0.750、0.774. Conclusion: The Perception of Organizational Politics Questionnaire is a reliable and valid measure, which can be used in both research and practice.


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