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作者:杨丽  齐振亚  邓晶晶 
单位:天津大学心理研究所 天津 300072 


Objective: Considering the moderating effect of the positive component of perfectionism on the relationship between the negative component of perfectionism and depression, we explored the mediating effect of achievement hassles and interpersonal hassles on the relationship between the negative component of perfectionism and depression.Methods: Almost Perfectionism Scale Revised Chinese Revised (APSRCR), China College Student Psychological Stress Scale(CCSPSS) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were administered to 454 undergraduate students twice, with an interval of 7 weeks.SPSS19.0 and Lisrel8.70 were used to analyse the data.Results: In the integrated model, high standards moderated the relationship between discrepancy and hassles, and interpersonal hassles and achievement hassles partly mediated the relationship between discrepancy and depression.Although high standard predicted achievement hassles directly, it didn' t predict interpersonal hassles.Conclusion: High standard interacted with achievement hassles to predict depression.Although discrepancy is related to depression, no evidence providing support for the role of discrepancy in vulnerability to depression were discovered.


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