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作者:王财玉1  孙天义1  何安明1  惠秋平1  崔磊2 
单位:1 信阳师范学院教育科学学院心理系 信阳 464000 
 山东师范大学心理学院 济南 250014 

目的:以社会地位感知与地位消费倾向之间的关系为切入点考察自尊的恐惧管理。方法 :首先,采用Rosenberg编制的自尊量表选取不同自尊水平被试,然后,通过回忆任务实验范式操纵被试的社会地位感知,最后,使用Eastman等编制的地位消费倾向量表对113名大学生进行测量。结果:①相对于高社会地位感知,低社会地位感知会激发个体更强的地位消费倾向。②在高社会地位感知水平上,高自尊与低自尊之间的地位消费倾向差异不显著;③在低社会地位感知水平上,相对于低自尊,高自尊地位消费倾向更强烈。结论:地位消费是一种恐惧管理策略,高自尊个体相对于低自尊个体具有更强的恐惧管理诉求。

Objective: To investigate relationship between perception of social status and status consumption tendency from selfesteem terror management theory perspective.Methods: First, through the Selfesteem Scale of Rosenberg, we chose subjects with different level of selfesteem; then, a recall task paradigm was trying to manipulate the perception of social status; finally, 113 college students were measured by Status Consumption Tendency Scale.Results: ①Contrary to the high perception of social status, the low perception of social status would stimulate individual to have stronger status consumption tendency.②At the high perception of social status level, there was no significant difference between the high selfesteem and the low selfesteem.③At the low perception of social status level, the high selfesteem had stronger status consumption tendency than the low selfesteem.Conclusion: Status consumption is a strategy of terror management; contrary to the low selfesteem, the high selfesteem has stronger terror management demands.


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