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作者:宋淑娟1  刘华山2 
单位:1 黄冈师范学院教育系 黄冈 438000 
 华中师范大学心理学院 武汉 430079 
关键词:刻板印象威胁 反刻板印象信息 减弱 


Objective: Previous studies suggest the gender stereotype on mathematics leads to a threat effect on girls'mathematics learning, the study aimed to explore whether counter-stereotype information had a positive effect to girls ornot? Methods: 150 senior middle school girls in science were selected as subjects. All subjects were randomly assigned to3 groups(language reducing group, model reducing group and control group), three groups had no differences in mathemat-ics achievement. Each group completed working memory test and mathematics test in different mathematics-gender stereo-types situations. Results: Working memory performance was poorer in language reducing group compared with controlgroup(P<0.01), while model reducing group performed better both on working memory task and mathematics test comparedwith control group(P<0.05). Conclusion: Counter-stereotype information through spoken language may bring negative ef-fect to the mathematics learning for girls, whereas counter-stereotype information through example makes positive effect togirls' mathematics learning.


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