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作者:沈可汗  李虹 
单位:清华大学心理学系  北京 100084 
关键词:胃肠病 思维偏向 主观健康感受 


Objective:To explore the thinking bias towards somatic related negative stimulus and the mediating effect of perceived health in gastrointestinal disorder patients.Methods: 30 healthy participants and 40 gastrointestinal disorder patients were investigated on 16 standardized ambiguous situations.Results: Gastrointestinal disorder patients showed obvious thinking bias.In ambiguous situations, patients gave higher possibilities than healthy participants in the evaluation of negative events, while the evaluation of neutral events had no difference between the two groups.Patients had lower level of perceived health than health participants.Findings supported the complete mediating effect of perceived health on the relationship between health condition and thinking bias.Conclusion: Gastrointestinal disorder patients had high level of thinking bias toward negative information, which is not originated from the objective health condition directly, but indirectly from the patients' perceived health status.


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