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作者:周晓琴1  奚晓岚2  程灶火1  沈力烨2  李萍1 
单位:1. 南京医科大学附属无锡精神卫生中心  无锡 214151 
 江南大学  无锡 214122 
关键词:大学生 网络成瘾 心理健康 


Objective:To investigate the prevalence of Internet addiction disorder of college students and their mental health status.Methods: A total of 4,866 College students(2122 boys, 2744 girls) were surveyed with the Young Internet Addiction Diagnostic Questionnaire and Psychological Symptom Questionnaire-100.Results: 621(12.8%) students meet the Young Internet addiction diagnostic criteria(YDQ≥5), men prevalence(15.9%) higher than women(10.3%), minority students(17.0%) than the Han students(12.5%), students majoring in management and finance(23.8%) than the other majors(6.9%-15.3%).The PSI-100 total scores(178.70±72.58) of students with internet addiction was significantly higher than the control group(165.40±67.43), 21.8% of Internet addiction have 3 or more of psychological symptoms, there was higher abnormal rate on the symptoms such as obsession(23.2%), depression(22.9%), impulse control(22.2%), and anxiety(20.6%).Conclusion: It is the high prevalence of Internet addiction in the college students, with significant gender, ethnic and professional differences, Internet addicts have more or serious mental health problems, more 20% of Internet addicts have depression, anxiety and impulsive symptoms.


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