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作者:邱小艳1 2  燕良轼1 
单位:1 湖南师范大学教育科学学院 长沙 410081 
 湖南科技学院教育系 永州 425199 
关键词:农村 殡葬礼俗 心理治疗 价值 


Funeral etiquette and custom refer to a series of etiquette and custom of burial and sacrifice for the dead. Al though funeral etiquette and custom in rural areas of China have some superstitious color, they may serve to have certain psychotherapy value. The psychotherapy value of the funeral etiquette and custom embodied aspects as following: Keening provided a effective way for catharsis of negative emotions; clamorous funeral activities can distract attention, which diluted the grim, oppressive atmosphere of funeral ceremony, while avoiding the bereaved indulging in grief; Many people assem bled together to mourn the dead, which is similar to the group counseling; various rituals and custom help the bereaved indi viduals to experience the reality of loss continually, and complete psychological separation gradually from the dead; Various ritual activities can help the bereaved rebuild emotional connection with the deceased, which provided spiritual comfort to the bereaved, and encourage them to regain the confidence of life; Through the“best ceremony” to“achieve dedication”, it can reduce remorse and guilt of the bereaved.


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