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作者:高冬东1  乔红晓1  李晓玉1 2  高昂1 
单位:1 河南大学心理与行为研究所 开封 475004 
 河南大学哲学与公共管理学院 开封 475004 
关键词:诚信领导 知识分享 职业认同 组织支持感 


Objective:The aim of the current study is to investigate the relationship among authentic leadership, occupa tion identity, perceived organizational support and teachers' knowledge sharing behavior. Methods:Using authentic leader ship scale, knowledge sharing scale, teachers' occupation identity scale and perceived organizational support scale, we in vestigated 400 teachers, in which there were 321 valid questionnaires. Results: Authentic leadership was significantly and positively correlated with teachers' occupation identity, knowledge sharing behavior, and perceived organizational support. Occupation identity support partially mediated the relationship between authentic leadership and teachers' knowledge shar ing behavior. Moreover, perceived organizational support moderated the relationship between occupation identity and knowl edge sharing behavior. Conclusion: Through both mediating and moderating mechanism, the authentic leadership has sig nificant effects on the teachers' knowledge sharing behavior.


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