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单位:闽江学院学工处心理咨询中心 福州 350121 
关键词:应对方式 心理健康 元分析 


Objective:To explore the relationship between coping style and mental health and its influencing factors. Methods:In the present study, 307 primary studies in the past 15 years were identified with a total sample size of 147523 participants. Results: ①It showed a moderate positive correlation between the negative coping style and mental symptoms, and a significant positive correlation between the mixed coping style and mental symptoms, and a significant positive corre lation between the positive coping style and mental symptoms. ②The correlation between coping style and mental health was regulated by report quality and types of subjects, measuring tools had no effects on their relationship. Conclusion: Cop ing style influences mental health, which is moderated by other variables such as report quality and sample.


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