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作者:陈依萍1 2  王芳1 
单位:1 北京师范大学心理学院 应用实验心理北京市重点实验室 北京 100875 
 广东省珠海市食品药品监督管理局 珠海 519020 
关键词:情绪劳动 工作倦怠 护士 


Objective:The study explored the mechanism between emotional labor strategy and job burnout through in terpersonal and intrapersonal paths. Methods:Totally 252 nurses from five public hospitals in Zhuhai city participated in the survey, and they anonymously completed the Emotional Labor Strategy Scale, Measure of satisfaction with patients' re sponses(which was interpersonal factor), Measure of psychological effort(which was intrapersonal factor), and Maslach Burn out Inventory-HHS. Results: Firstly, nurses' surface acting positively related to emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment, deep acting positively related to emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment, and au tomatic regulation negatively related to depersonalization. Secondly, all the three emotional labor strategies reduced job burnout through improving satisfaction with patients' response partially or fully. Meanwhile, surface acting improved ex haustion and depersonalization partially through increasing psychological effort. Conclusion: Distinct emotional labor strat egies can impact different aspects of job burnout through either intrapersonal or interpersonal path. Relatively, automatic regulation benefits both patients and nurses.


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