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单位:深圳市精神卫生研究所 深圳市康宁医院 深圳 518020 
关键词:心理测验 等距假设 条目质性 条目集群 


Instead of inspection of arithmetic operation and parametric statistics, most psychological tests can only achieve the level of ordinal scale. The test score stands for one interval of a psychological attribute rather than precise ex pression. However, it is assumed that the scale of psychological tests is equidistant in practices, meaning the grades be tween items, between testees and within an item have the same unit. We suggest that there are qualitative and quantitative differences between items and the reactions to items. Hence the concept of item qualitativeness is raised. Besides, we think that some behavior samples of a psychological attribute have no difficulty, or the difficulty of items have no practical signifi cance, or it is reasonable to assume that the difficulties of items are the same. The idea of item colony is proposed to handle the grading method of this kind of items. The standard score from classical test theory and the logit from item response theo ry are mathematical expressions of test scores under the assumption of equidistance. Although both of them are equidistant scales, it doesn' t mean that the contents of the measurement are equidistant. Understanding the risks of equidistant hypoth esis can better help test utilization. There are multiple paths to reduce the risks of equidistant hypothesis.


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