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作者:齐星亮1  刘亚鹏1  季爽1  郑然2  张彦3  邓慧华1 
单位:1 东南大学学习科学研究中心  南京 210096 
 阿城区第六中学  哈尔滨 150300 
 珠海市第十五小学  珠海 519000 
关键词:恢复需要量表 信度 效度 中国工作者 


Objective:To revise the need for recovery scale for workers, and test its reliability and validity. Methods:A sample of 554 workers in a wide series of working fields was recruited to test the discrimination, reliability and validity of the scale. The criteria were the occupational burnout inventory, the Maslach burnout inventory and the short form-36 health survey. Results:The item discrimination of the revised scale was acceptable. Its internal consistency and split-half reliabil ity were 0.78 and 0.77. The revised scale had one-factor model with better fitting indexes of confirmatory factor analysis, RMSEA=0.047, GFI=0.97, CFI=0.96, IFI=0.98. The scale showed good correlations with the criteria involved in fatigue. Conclusion:The revised scale has satisfactory reliability and validity and meets the demands of psychometrics. It could be used in the related researches.


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6 Sluiter JK, Van der Beek AJ, Frings-Dresen MHW. The influence of work characteristics on the need for recovery and experienced health: a study on coach drivers. Ergonomics, 1999, 42(4): 573-583
7 De Croon EM, Sluiter JK, Frings-Dresen MHW. Need for recovery predicts sickness absence: a 2-years prospective cohort-study in truck drivers. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 2003, 55(4): 331-339
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12 Mohren D, Jansen N, Kant IJ. Need for recovery from work in relation to age: a prospective cohort study. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 2010, 83(5): 553-561
13 Jansen N, Kant I, van Amelsvoort L, et al. Need for recovery from work: Evaluating short-term effects of working hours, patterns and schedules. Ergonomics, 2003, 46(7): 664-680


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