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作者:奚晓岚1  张曼如2  程灶火2  沈力烨1  李萍2  金凤仙2 
单位:1 江南大学 无锡 214122 
 无锡市精神卫生中心 无锡 214151 
关键词:大学生 网络成瘾 风险因素 人格特征 教养方式 


Objective:To investigate the psychosocial risk factors associated with Internet addiction in college students Methods:A total sample of 4,866 College students(2122 boys, 2744 girls) were surveyed with the Young Internet Addic tion Diagnostic Questionnaire(YDQ), NEO Five-Factor Inventory(NEO-FFI) and Family Upbringing Style Questionnaire (FUSQ). Six hundred and twenty-one(12.8%) of them met the Young Internet addiction diagnostic criteria(YDQ≥5). Results:①Prevalence of Internet addiction in boys(15.9%) was higher than girls(10.3%), minority(17.0%) than Han(12.5%), and management financial professional(23.8%) than bio-technical(11.4%) and humanities education(7.7%); Mutinomial lo gistic regression displayed that boys(B=0.615), management financial professional(B=1.237), and University freshmen(B= 0.114) were risk factors for Internet addiction. ②Prevalence of Internet addiction of students with impulsive(15.4%), high neuroticism(16.1%) and low agreeableness(15.9%) were higher than other personality traits; Mutinomial logistic regression indicated that personality traits such as impulsive(B=0.188), high neuroticism(B=0.237), and low agreeableness(B=0.210) were risk factors of Internet addiction. ③Prevalence of Internet addiction were significant lower in students(9.5%-11.1%) who perceived positive parenting style than those perceived negative parenting style(15.2%-17.8%); Mutinomial logistic re gression showed that father indulging(B=0.504), mother control(B=0.296) and father unprincipled protection(B=0.226) were risk factors for Internet addiction. Conclusion: The psychosocial factors have important effects on college students' Inter net addiction, the boys, freshmen, management financial professional, impulsivity, high neuroticism, low agreeableness, fa ther indulgence, mother control, father shielding may be risk factors for Internet addiction.


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