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作者:周圆月1 2  黄春娟2  刘健2  罗学荣1 
单位:1. 中南大学湘雅二医院精神卫生研究所 长沙 410011 
 杭州市第七人民医院 杭州 310013 
关键词:感觉统合训练 孤独症谱系障碍 注意缺陷多动障碍 疗效 


Objective: To investigate the efficacy of medication combined with Sensory Integration Therapy(SIT) for children with comorbid High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder(HFA) and Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Methods: A total of 80 children with comorbid HFA and ADHD were chosen from the Child Psychiatry Outpatient of Hangzhou Seventh Hospital. The subjects entered randomly into 2 groups: the medication treatment group and the medication combined with SIT group. IVA-CPT, ADHD-RS-IV and ABC were used to assess behavioral characteristics of subjects before and 6 months after treatments respectively. Results: ①Compared with the medication treatment group, subjects in the combined therapy group got higher scores in IVA-CPT( t FRCQ =-2.6874, P =0.0090; t FAQ =-2.6933, P =0.0089) and lower scores in ADHD-RS-IV( t attentional deficit =-2.3322, P =0.0254; t impulsivity =-2.0479, P =0.0479; t total score =-2.1817, P = 0.0357); ②For subjects in medical treatment group, only scores of communication in ABC reduced significantly( t =2.0413, P =0.0486); for subjects in combined treatments group, ABC total scores( t =2.1223, P =0.0408),sensory scores( t =2.17213, P = 0.0365), communication scores( t =2.0576, P =0.0476) and physical active scores( t =2.0986, P =0.0429) reduced significantly. Conclusion: Medication combined with SIT may have better efficiency on the symptoms of ASD as well as ADHD in children with comorbid HFA and ADHD than solely medical therapy.


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