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作者:柴明莉1  余慧慧1  刘媛1  吕倩2  潘芳1 
单位:1. 山东大学医学院 济南 250012 
 休斯敦大学心理系 美国德克萨斯州休斯敦 77204 
关键词:应激 表达书写 皮质醇 创伤后成长 心理干预 


Objective: To examine the effect of short term expression writing on stress response in laboratory condition. Methods: 64 4th grade clinical medical students were randomly divided into intervention group and control group. Stress responses were induced by videoes doctor-patient conflicts. After that, state anxiety, negative emotion(such as anger, anxiety, depression and fear), salivary cortisol and posttraumatic growth were assessed. 15 minutes expressive writings included feeling and ideas, express emotion and search for resources and support about stress event was used as the intervention method in writing group for 3 times. The subjects of control group took uninvolved writing. Results: The conflict video induced obvious stress response of subjects, the levels of state anxiety, anger, anxiety, depression and fear scores after video show were significantly higher than that at the baseline in both groups( P <0.01). Both expressive and uninvolved writing significantly decreased the levels of state anxiety, anger, anxiety and fear( P <0.01), but had no effects on depression scores( P > 0.05). Compared with control group, expressive writing group had lower levels of anxiety and anger( P <0.01; P <0.05). Expressive writing had no significant effect on salivary cortisol level and posttraumatic growth( P >0.05). Trait anxiety had positive correlation with state anxiety, anxiety, depression and fear( P <0.001) just after stress-induction, and had positive correlation with state anxiety and depression after intervention( P <0.001). Gender(female) had positive association with state anxiety, depression and fear after stress( P <0.001; P <0.005). Conclusion: Short term expressive writing significantly can decrease stress reactions effciently.


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