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作者:杨会芹  刘晖 
单位:石家庄学院教育学院 石家庄 050035 
关键词:生活事件 自尊 冗思 内化情绪问题 回归分析 


Objective: To investigate the influence of life events, self-esteem and rumination on internalization emotional problem in rural left-behind children. Methods: 427 Rural Left-Behind Children from 4 middle schools were measured by Child Behavior Checklist(CBCL), Self-Esteem Scale(SES), Adolescent Life Event Questionnaire-Revised(ALEQ-R) and the Rumination Subscale of Responses to Stress Questionnaire(RS-RSQ). Results: Life events and rumination were significantly positively correlated with Internalization emotional problem, while self-esteem was significantly negatively correlated with Internalization emotional problem( P <0.01); Path analysis found that Life events, self-esteem and rumination influenced Internalization emotional problem directly, meanwhile, that self-esteem and rumination partiall medatied the effects of Life events on Internalizing. Conclusion: Life Events, self-esteem and rumination were significantly correlated with Internalization emotional problem in Rural Left-Behind Children, and Life events perform influence on Internalizing through the mediating effects of self-esteem and rumination.


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