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作者:陶金花1  朱键军1  程灶火2 
单位:1. 安徽师范大学心理健康教育中心 芜湖 241000 
 南京医科大学附属无锡精神卫生中心 无锡 214151 
关键词:见危不救 归因维度 责任推断 惩戒行为 


Objective: This study explored the quantitative relationships among attribution, responsibility judgment, emotional reaction and subsequent behavior reactions in the context of indifference to others in danger, which may help to verify the applicability of Weiner' s responsibility attribution theory, and provide reference for moral evaluation and legal characterization of indifference to others in danger. Methods: 279 college students were surveyed by the questionnaire of college students'responsibility judgment of indifference to others in danger from the attribution perspective. Results: ① When it was easy to help other in danger, the behavior of indifference to others in danger tended to be regarded as lack of self-efforts and attributed to external, stable and controllable, resulting in higher responsibility, higher angry, lower sympathy response and higher punishment behavior. ②When it was hard to help others in danger, the behavior of indifference to others in danger tended to be regarded as lack of ability and attributed to internal, unstable and uncontrollable, resulting in lower responsibility, lower angry, higher sympathy and low punishment behavior. Conclusion: This research tested the two- way relationship between judgment of responsibility and emotional reaction in attribution process, therefore Weiner' s responsibility attribution theory can be generalized as followed: attribution dimension→responsibility judgment; emotional reaction→punishment behavior.


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